Water purification information

The difference between filter and water purifier

Views : 68700
Update time : 2021-11-23 11:33:50
The filter is coarse filtration, and the water purifier is fine filtration.
The filter is a device on the loose medium pipeline. It is composed of a cylinder, a stainless steel filter screen, a sewage part, a traditional device, etc. It is mainly installed at the port of a pressure reducing valve, a pressure relief valve, a fixed water level valve, etc. When filtering, the water Through the filter cartridge of the filter screen, the impurities are trapped inside, so that the water flowing out from the outlet becomes clean.
Water purifier is a kind of water treatment equipment that performs deep filtration and purification of water. It uses ultrafiltration membranes, reverse osmosis membranes, activated carbon, etc. to achieve the purpose of removing harmful substances in the water. At present, it is quite mature and used by most families. Therefore, it is more popular than filters. Moreover, the filter is only a device and needs to be installed on the valve port for use. The water purifier is different, it is directly connected to the faucet for use. In the water purification process, physical principles are mainly used to remove dirt in the water, which is safe and convenient.
The pre-filter is the first level of household water filtration. The water filtered by the pre-filter cannot be directly drunk, but it makes domestic water safer and healthier. The water purifier is the water filtered by the pre-filter, and then filtered again, the water purified by the water purifier can be used as direct drinking water. It can be seen that the pre-filter has played a significant role in improving the water quality of the entire house. It is precisely because of the first filtration process that the water purifier can more finely purify the water source.
In addition, the quality of the water purified by the water purifier can be used not only as domestic water, but also as direct drinking water. It belongs to fine filtration, but this must be based on the first filtration. Otherwise, the purification effect will not only be greatly reduced, but also Will damage the water purifier equipment. It is precisely because of the first rough filtration that the faucet and the concealed pipeline will not be blocked by sand and rust, so the pre-filter is also called "the first pass of water safety."

Filters and water purifiers are complementary.
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